Here’s how to get started, book a demo.
See how the magic works in action
Fill out the form to schedule a personalized demo and learn all about the magic procurement spells that will drive your business forward and make work infinitely easier for your teams and vendors.
Here’s what we’ll cover for you:
  • Your goals and current challenges
  • Your team’s processes & workflows
  • Your tech stack & needs
  • An overview of Logintrade and specific features for you
  • Questions & Answers
  • Plus, a sprinkle of magic ✨
For our customers, Logintrade has powered savings and counting of
Our customers success stories
Don't take our word for it, take theirs.
Smithfield: The platform turned out really flexible and comprehensive. And TA-DA! We implemented the system for hundreds of employees in just 6 weeks.
Grupa Alchemia: The platform revolutionized our everyday work when it comes to vendor communication. It’s automated vendor search and offer comparison for us, and TA-DA! We now have more time to focus on other strategic tasks.
ENEA Wytwarzanie: Accessing the community of vendors and e-tenders helped us generate significant savings without having to negotiate in person. TA-DA!
Fiberhost: We’re impressed by the tool's flexibility. We can now set it up for new processes, and TA-DA! – the platform changes along with our organization.
MSA Safety: We benefited from the advice in negotiation and bidding strategies, and TA-DA! We cut down the cost in some purchase categories by over 15%.
Solaris BUS: We used the ready-made integration API from Logintrade and TA-DA! Within a few weeks, we integrated the platform with our internal company processes.