Here’s how to get started, book a demo.
See how the magic works in action
Fill out the form to schedule a personalized demo and learn all about the magic procurement spells that will drive your business forward and make work infinitely easier for your teams and vendors.
Here’s what we’ll cover for you:
  • Your goals and current challenges
  • Your team’s processes & workflows
  • Your tech stack & needs
  • An overview of Logintrade and specific features for you
  • Questions & Answers
  • Plus, a sprinkle of magic ✨
Procurement magic? TA DA!
Logintrade is an AI-first procurement platform that automates spend management making it much less daunting and much more efficient. And you know what? It does feel like magic!
Admin overhead eating away at your budget?TA DA!
Get all the tools you need to spend less time and effort controlling spend and managing finance operations. Just like that.
Spark Ai
Intake is just a start. Your Magic Agent that will guide you through spending money wisely, saving time, finding best vendors, comparing proposals. No crystal ball necessary.
Approvals take forever? TA-DA! Build flexible, automated workflows and get documents approved in a flash.
Purchase request
Need a smarter way to create request forms? TA-DA! Let AI automate it with easy access to vendor data and purchase history.
Automate orders and TA-DA! Speed up the entire ordering process and keep spend under control.
Know your vendors. We got it. We enrich data, so you do not have to. Let us find you more reliable potential vendors. Let us show you the risks. Let us show you who is innovation and who is cost driven supplier.
Treat your vendors like partners. Simplify cooperation. Let us and our farm of AI Agents look for vendors, compare offers, and negotiate, and TA-DA! Get better deals and more time to do what you love.
One platform, countless magic spells.
Discover all the magic that makes procurement so much easier.
Book a demo
Your teams don’t need a magic trick.
They need Logintrade.
Negotiations, purchases, purchase categories, comparisons and benchmarks, looking up vendors, and finding best prices.
Already got a headache? Make it go away with Logintrade and smart automations you’ll never want to work without. 
Get all vendor contracts, policies, and SLAs under control and in agreement, easily tracking their execution.
In fact, so easily, you only thought that happened in fairy tales (if fairy tales had contracts.)
Feels like you spend most of your time hunting down people for approvals?
Logintrade lets you automate that process with tools to control the budget and predict expenses that will transform the way you work (and bring down your stress levels as a nice bonus.)
IT & Security
Procurement and data security go hand in hand. But if anyone knows that, it’s the IT security team. Who also knows managing users and access levels, sharing documents, and setting up approval paths should be easier – without compromising data security.
And that’s exactly what Logintrade does.
Trusted by European innovators and industry leaders.
Procurement magic that just works
(for everyone)
Works for business
Easier and quicker procurement means actual savings on all sides of the process.
Works for vendors
Vendors are your strategic partners. And they, too, need to experience the magic.
Works for you & your team
Because it makes boring day-to-day tasks quicker, easier, and fun to complete.
Statistics and results
With just a click, conjure up all the online stores, catalogs, product cards.
Integrating with the tools you already use.
ERP, GR-IS, productivity, legal – all connected to work together like magic.