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Fill out the form to schedule a personalized demo and learn all about the magic procurement spells that will drive your business forward and make work infinitely easier for your teams and vendors.
Here’s what we’ll cover for you:
  • Your goals and current challenges
  • Your team’s processes & workflows
  • Your tech stack & needs
  • An overview of Logintrade and specific features for you
  • Questions & Answers
  • Plus, a sprinkle of magic ✨
Tap into the know-how of hundreds of procurement experts
To do procurement efficiently, you can’t rely solely on internal company data — your own vendor pools, transaction histories, and data analytics. And no, nobody’s questioning your expertise or your data here. We just know that limiting your financial decisions in procurement to what you’ve done in the past misses a lot when it comes […]
How to automate procurement with AI (and a little magic)
Automation and AI are a perfect match for procurement. Want to know why, and most importantly, how? Here are just a few reasons. Finance needs efficiency – it’s obvious, isn’t it? Yet so many businesses still seem to forget about it, perhaps drowning in the day-to-day tasks where you just can’t really see the big […]
AI in procurement – what it can (and can’t) help with
AI’s been making waves in all areas of business – and all kinds of software for business. And procurement is no different. But what exactly can it do? And what are the benefits for CFOs, finance teams, and the entire company? Let’s have a quick look. The use case for AI in procurement AI’s certainly […]
You say “AI”, we say “magic”. ✨
AI is a buzzword, and boy, is it buzzing right now in B2B solutions. And it’s made its way to procurement, too. Don’t get us wrong, it’s great. The thing is, a lot of the time, it’s just an add-on on top of existing software, just so you can slap “AI-powered” in the homepage copy. […]
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