Here’s how to get started, book a demo.
See how the magic works in action
Fill out the form to schedule a personalized demo and learn all about the magic procurement spells that will drive your business forward and make work infinitely easier for your teams and vendors.
Here’s what we’ll cover for you:
  • Your goals and current challenges
  • Your team’s processes & workflows
  • Your tech stack & needs
  • An overview of Logintrade and specific features for you
  • Questions & Answers
  • Plus, a sprinkle of magic ✨
Business, finance, AI, and magic?
We can’t see why not! TA DA!

The era of artificial intelligence is here, and boy, are people freaking out.

But we used the magic of AI way before it was cool.

We did start like most B2B startups: with forms, manual data inputs, workflows, Excel files, supplier emails, and many other non-AI features. But then we turned AI-first, and there was no turning back.

Special operations team?
This is us, TA DA!
Meet the key members of the Logintrade team and synchronize seamlessly with us.
Tomasz Wudarzewski
Chief Executive Officer
Michał Szlachcic
Managing Director
Grzegorz Gwiazdowski
Artificial Intelligence
Dominik Krzewicki
Chief Technology Officer
Katarzyna Panterałka
Office Operations
Katarzyna Maślanka
Project manager
Tomasz Chęć
Sales Manager
Anna Zawadzka
Quality Assurance
Marta Wudarzewska
Business Analyst
Would you like to join us?
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